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Voice your opinion

We invite you to take our survey!

Please choose the form that best applies to you. Whether you are a doctor, a teacher, or a professional working with children on the autism spectrum or nonverbal children, or if you are a parent or caregiver of a child with autism or communication challenges, your insights are invaluable to us.


Please select the appropriate survey below:

For Psychiatrists and Neurologists

Understanding the Challenges of Supporting Children with Autism

for Behavior Therapists

 Working with Children with Autism or Non-Verbal Children

For Parents or Caregivers  

of Children with Autism or Communication Challenges

למטפלים התנהגותיים

העובדים עם ילדים עם אוטיזם או ילדים לא-ורבליים

שאלון להורים

חקר כלים לתמיכה בילדים עם אוטיזם ואתגרי תקשורת


Дослідження інструментів підтримки дітей з аутизмом та та порушеннями спілкування

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