Holistic data-driven Platform that creates full 24h picture of activities and behaviours of children with special needs
Communicational disability frequently leads to a challenging behaviour
Parents and caregivers stay with the child only part of the time
They don't understand the reason for a challenging behaviour
Yalmo is the only solution that builds the full day and night picture for children with special needs.
Using a proprietary AI algorithm, Yalmo analyses information about child’s sleep, behaviour, eating habits and other activities and helps caregivers to create a personalized and effective daily routine
An easy and intuitive app helps parents and caregivers track child's condition during the day and night, at the school and at home
The information from all caregivers is aggregated and is securely stored on Yalmo cloud.
The system detects abnormal behaviour and activities of the child and provides recommendations to adjust child's daily routine to create more peaceful environment at school and at home
Yalmo started from the needs of a single child, and will improve the quality of life of millions of families
Get to know us
Founder & CEO
Algorithms, Data Science and
Team Leadership Experience
Father of an autistic child
Evgeniy Berkovich
SW development Executive focusing on digital health and wellness products
Viki Belovitski, M.Ed.
Behaviour Analyst
Barak FIMA, M.A.
Principal of rehabilitative daycare center for toddlers
Shiraz Levkovich, Psy.D.
Clinical Phycologist
Innovative clinical applications
Judah KOLLEr, Psy.D.
Head of Autism Child and Family Lab at the Hebrew University
Mor Nahum, PH.D.
Head of neuro therapy lab at Hebrew University
OUR achievements
Winner of Hackautism2.0 event
Initial funding from Israel Innovation Authority
8200 impact accelerator
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